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Site Admin
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Adesso sembra che va, speriamo bene...
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Ammiraglio di divisione
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- 22/24
execution time: 7.152 - Gommonauti.it © 2005
20.10 19/07/2006
Crying or Very sad
Lomac 660 in - Yamaha F150 AETX - Ellebi LBN 7202A Tork

Civis Romanus sum
Ammiraglio di squadra
Mi piace
- 23/24
a me stasera non va manco a calci Sad
Microsoft Windows XP [Versione 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\FRANCESCO>cd..

C:\Documents and Settings>cd..

C:\>tracert www.gommonauti.it

Rilevazione instradamento verso www.gommonauti.it []
su un massimo di 30 punti di passaggio:

1 12 ms <1 ms 2 ms
2 12 ms 12 ms *
3 * 13 ms 13 ms
4 14 ms 13 ms 13 ms
5 14 ms 12 ms 13 ms
6 129 ms 127 ms 128 ms unknown.Level3.net []
7 130 ms 130 ms 130 ms ge-2-0-0.mp1.Paris1.Level3.net []
8 211 ms 209 ms 208 ms ae-0-0.bbr2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net [
9 209 ms 208 ms 211 ms ae-21-54.car1.LosAngeles1.Level3.net [
10 209 ms 210 ms 211 ms ge1-L3.dreamhost.com []
11 211 ms 211 ms 214 ms basic-whippit.quid.dreamhost.com [

Rilevazione completata.

Non ci sono rose sulla tomba del marinaio. Non ci sono gigli sulle onde. Quello che al marinaio spetta e' il battito d'ala del gabbiano ed il pianto dell'amata.
Site Admin
Mi piace
- 24/24
Non ci possiamo far nulla se non cambiare provider!

July 19, 2006 at 1:08 am PST by jordan
We are currently having problems with the filer we have been working to fix since yesterday. It has crashed again and we are in the process of bringing it back up. This outage may be affecting http/ftp/email service for your account. We apologize for the outage and hope to have everything restored to normal asap.

UPDATE - 3:45pm (PST): We are still working on the problems with the switch that are causing some of our customers to experience delays and outages with your sites and email. The problem was with a switch for one of our racks not being able to keep up with the traffic being pushed through it. We just added a second switch to the rack and pushed it live and it looks like the loads on all the affected servers are dropping pretty steadily. We have a team of admins continuing to monitor the situation and to clean up any remaining issues. Hopefully with this second switch in place that will leave this string of unfortunate events behind us.
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